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Maternal care is the provision of care to women during pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period. It is an essential aspect of healthcare that ensures the health and well-being of both mother and child. However, it is often overlooked and seen as a luxury rather than a necessity. During pregnancy, a woman’s body undergoes significant changes, and it is essential that she receives adequate care to ensure a healthy pregnancy. Maternal care includes regular check-ups, monitoring of blood pressure, and other vital signs, as well as screening for conditions such as gestational diabetes and preeclampsia. Without proper care, these conditions can lead to complications that can be life-threatening for both the mother and the baby.

Moreover, maternal care is crucial in ensuring safe childbirth. Complications during childbirth can occur at any time, and it is essential to have a skilled healthcare professional present to manage them. Maternal care provides women with access to skilled birth attendants who can assist with delivery and ensure a safe and healthy birth. In addition, maternal care includes postpartum care, which is vital in ensuring that the mother recovers well and is equipped with the knowledge and skills needed to care for her newborn. Furthermore, maternal care has significant social and economic benefits. When women receive proper maternal care, they are more likely to have healthy pregnancies, safe deliveries, and healthy babies. This, in turn, reduces the burden on the healthcare system and improves the overall health of the community.

Unfortunately, many women around the world still do not have access to adequate maternal care. This is particularly true in low-income countries, such as Pakistan, where healthcare systems are often under-resourced and overburdened. As a result, many women experience complications during pregnancy and childbirth, leading to devastating consequences like endangerment of the life of the mother and the child. Millions of women lose their lives in childbirth due to malnourishment, improper or lack of proper care, improper family planning, and lack of awareness regarding maternal health.

Maternal care, therefore, deserves to be treated as a fundamental need of women, and not as a luxury. Governments and healthcare organizations must prioritize maternal care and invest in building a robust healthcare system that provides women with access to skilled birth attendants, quality care during pregnancy, safe delivery, and postpartum care. Only then can we ensure that all women have the opportunity to have a safe and healthy pregnancy and childbirth.