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Family Planning

Due to certain misinterpretations of religion, misogynist version of culture and society’s overall patriarchal mindset, it has become a norm here to make big families which eventually leads to financial troubles and rise in an uneducated and illiterate population. There are two major factors behind this sick mindset; the lack of education being the top while the unavailability of awareness and access to modern contraceptive methods the other. At this point when our policy chambers are echoed with the debates of resources depletion and scarcity of water and food in the future, we need to pay some serious attention to the problem of burgeoning population increase as proper family planning is the only way towards sustainable development.

Taking into consideration this issue, WEG incorporated a full-fledged program of family planning awareness in this agenda and successfully lobbied with media, public section organizations, CBOs and civil society to arrange workshops, seminars and conferences across the country.