Legal issues always have the potential to become a crisis if ignorance prevents someone from anticipating the legal troubles and getting timely information or advice. Crises clearly magnify the impact on someone’s life unnecessarily.
Legal literacy can empower people to demand justice, accountability and effective remedies.
There are some major issues women in Pakistan face on daily basis and require legal knowledge about those issues. Some of the issues are:
- Domestic Violence
“The pattern of abusive behavior in any relationship that is used by one partner to gain or maintain control over another intimate partner is known as domestic violence.”
The prevalence of domestic violence is arguably one of the top health concerns in our country. In some cases, abusers may not even realize that they’re inflicting domestic violence on someone else. On the flipside, victims may not take action against their abusers if they don’t realize that the behavior they’re experiencing is indeed domestic violence.
- Cyber Crimes
Cyber stalking and cyber harassment are gender-based cybercrimes – women and girls are more likely to experience this form of harassment than men and boys. Cyber Access to the internet is fast becoming a necessity for economic well-being, and is increasingly viewed as a fundamental human right; therefore it is crucial to ensure that this digital public space is a safe and empowering place for everyone, including women and girls.
- Sexual Violence
Sexual violence and abuse can be defined as any behavior perceived to be of a sexual nature which is unwanted and takes place without consent or understanding.
Rape and Sexual Violence are seeds of trauma that shall unfold in victim’s mind for rest of her life. They permanently alters a person’s existence. They are much more than physical injuries left on the body. Rape and sexual violence leaves an indelible mental scar on the victim.
- Honour Killings
The prevalence of so-called “honour” killings in Pakistan has increasingly been the subject of national debate in Pakistan. The perpetrators are husbands, fathers, sons, brothers, uncles, cousins, and in some cases, strangers hired by the victims’ families.
Legal literacy is essential because it can be used as a tool by vulnerable women to understand and evaluate the law, and get their rights enforced by taking action. Knowing their rights, the people can challenge violations if need to.
Through Legal Literacy women must be made aware of their constitutional rights and how they can avail the remedies as per the law.